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File Sharing And Synchronisation

BTSync allows you to share files and directories with other BTSync users. It also allows you to synchronise these files and directories over multiple users. If you want to use BTSync to synchronise files and directories from your home computer then you need to download the BitTorrent Sync App from .

Creating a Share Directory on your Server

Open the Explorer tab and if the directory you want to sync does not already exist then navigate to where you want this directory to be and right click create>New directory… Enter the new directories name and click OK. Then highlight that directory and right click, select BTSync share>Create own share.

Two Secrets will be generated, the first one Secret: gives Read Write access to that Directory and the second one RO Secret: gives Read Only access. So if you want to create a sync (Backup) to another location you use the RO Secret: and if you want to create a full two way sync you use the Secret:. Note this directory has the ability to either allow only read access or full read/write access from different users depending on which Secret they are given to gain access.

Now you will see the directory in Explorer tab has a blue B on it to remind you it is monitored in BTSync.

Sharing The Directory with Friends and Colleges

Open the Explorer tab and if the directory you want to sync does not already exist then navigate to where you want this directory to be and right click create>New directory… Enter the new directories name and click OK. Then highlight that directory and right click, select BTSync share>Create friends share.

In the window that opens enter the Secret that you Friend supplied and click OK.

This will Sync the directory with the one your friend has selected and will either copy the data in their directory to your directory if they gave the RO Secret or sync your data and theirs if they gave you the Secret.

Removing Users Privileges

Once you no longer want to sync with a friends directory or you no longer want to sync your data with other users then the BTSync directory can be removed from the BTSync protocol without losing any data by right clicking the required directory and selecting BTSync share>Remove.

Showing BTSync Secrets for Synced Directories

To show the Secrets associated with a synced directory right click the directory and and select BTSync share>Info.

This will open a window listing the Secret and RO Secret for that directory.

tutorial_en_btsync.txt · Last modified: 2014/08/31 16:26 by h2owegreen