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This guide will help you get more out of your Dropbox account with your Xirvik Server.

Xirvik provide 2 ways to connect your seedbox with Dropbox

1. Dropbox Daemon which automatically syncs one specific directory with your Dropbox account.

2. Dropbox API It lets you access your Dropbox account from the explorer tab so you can copy files from/to the seedbox into your Dropbox.

Dropbox Daemon

Go to you server Control Panel Dashboard and Click on Dropbox

You will get a small explantion of what it is and if not linked you will be prompted to follow the link

This then takes you to your Dropbox account login

You now have your Xirivk Seedbox Dropbox folder synchronised with your Dropbox files

Dropbox API

Go to the Explorer Tab on your Seedbox

Now right click a folder to bring up the following menu and select Dropbox

You will now have the following pop up box, to link the API to the Seedbox click on the Dropbox logo

You will then be prompted to login to your Dropbox Account

Once in we need to click on Create App

Select the Dropbox API option

Now make the following selections and give your App a unique name

Once the App is created you will then be taken to the following screen with App Key and App Secret

Back at your Seedbox enter these values and click OK

Now we need to grant the application access to Dropbox account so click logo

Accept the screen in Dropbox website

Now it will show connected

Click on OK back on the Seedbox

Now in the Explorer Tab you can see your Dropbox files and you can then use them within Explorer

tutorial_en_dropbox.txt · Last modified: 2014/05/16 17:01 by whyteprst1